Opciones… plazas de SVE en Braga
Buenos días a tod@s
desde cruz Roja Braga nos llega esta convocatoria para hacer Servicio Voluntario Europeo con ellos, durante 12 meses. Sabemos que muchos/as andáis a la caza de proyectos en los que poder entrar, así que siempre es bueno saber quién está buscando gente. Os dejamos la información y el documento de explicación del proyecto:
Portuguese Red Cross – Braga is now starting the process of applying for a new EVS project.
During the project “B.A.M. Be active – Move!”, we will host 4 volunteers for a 12 month period from 01.10.2015 – 30.09.2016 in Braga, Portugal to work with Red Cross Youth in social field. The volunteers will mainly work with kids and youth from a challenging neighborhood, develop and carry out specific workshops and support Red Cross in media, design and Erasmus+ field.
The specific profiles of the four volunteers we are looking for are detailed mentioned in the “Call”, as well as all other necessary information. We are now searching for matching participants for B.A.M., so we kindly ask you to spread the call, which you find attached to this e-mail.
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